
Wear parts are essential to a shredder’s proper functioning.  We provide a complete line of wear-resistant castings for automobile, scrap shredders and other types of large shredders of all makes and models. Our hammers, grate bars, liners, and other shredder components represent the world’s most complete product line of wear parts.  Depending on service conditions and other important considerations, these castings are provided in one of several special grades of manganese steel.  Certain items like hammers and rotor caps can also be provided in our CS family of martensitic low-alloy steels containing chromium, nickel, and molybdenum.

  • Hammers
  • Grates (single or double beam grate)
  • Liners (including side liners and main liners) 
  • Caps (rotor caps and end discs)
  • Breaker Bars
  • Roof Plates
  • Cutter Bars
  • Bearing Housings
  • Pin Protectors
  • Feed Roll Teeth
  • Anvils
  • Reject Doors
  • Front Wall Castings


About Our Hammers –  Our hammers are made in proprietary manganese steel and proprietary low-alloy steel.  We also make a differentially-hardened, low alloy steel hammer that is extremely hard on the bottom and possesses a softer material around the pin to keep the pin from wearing out. In essence, we are able to right-size the metallurgy of the casting to the particular application, resulting in the most wear-resistant part available.

Front Wall Conversions

We have engineered many front wall conversions for older style shredder machines. A front wall conversion can increase shredder performance and allows you to reduce the amount of maintenance your shredder requires. 

Experience Makes a Difference

AMSCO® enjoys a history of custom designing components. We were the first to introduce a weight-efficient hammer, with the bulk of the weight in the working area. We have redesigned hammers to accommodate the specific needs of individual customers when they experienced excessive wear related to particular processes.

The true test of our products is their performance in the field. When one of our mini-mill customers wanted to almost double the horsepower of the shredder motor, the challenge was met by collaboration between our engineers and the customer’s. As a result, the unit is now producing 70% more tons of scrap per hour.  Contact us with questions or to inquire about how our custom engineering solutions can help you increase the power and efficiency of your shredders.